
Friday, April 10, 2009


In India, Voter ID card is important Identity document for lots of work. You can get your Voter ID card easily by filling online application form.
Here is the website for online registration for voter ID card- (on clicking the link you will visit at Form filling page).
After submitting the form you will get pdf copy of your filled application, that you need to take printout. After taking print out, you need to submit this printed copy to your nearest local Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) with xerox copy of other ID card and proof of residence.Find your nearest ERO office here.
The address proof document is required for the BLO (Booth Level Officer) to come and verify your residence status. Therefore, it is not essential for the address proof document to have your name, but needs to have only the address of the place you are staying at.
You can use address proof document on the name of your parents, relatives, friends etc. with whom you are staying. During address verification, the person whose name appears on the address proof document needs to confirm that you are staying at the same address.
Full answer of all FAQs about voting is here. After this, your job is over, Voter ID card will be ready after few days of submission of application.
Currently there is no requirement for Voter ID card for voting purpose (for 2009 Election), only your name should be there on voter list. Some state governments like Andhra Pradesh has provided the list of name of people on voter list online here.

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