
Monday, April 20, 2015


Hii Friends , 
This is my Fifth and the last day for Five Pics Five Stories challange and my all posts relating to this challenge is here (FPFS- day 4)

I am into a proffession whereby we deal with money, mostly other people's money, so it takes great responsibility to manage that, off course when you win you are praised but when you loose you are criticized. People always asks us what will the markets be, what will so and so stocks prices will be, and I say I don't know, I only know that this company is doing its best and is well managed and I see its future cash flows being intact and so I feel that this business should grow. But do I know what would be its prices be, NO I Don't know, M not GOD we are humans as you are and so we also cant predict future... 

Remember no one can buy at the bottom prices & Sell at top, So we try to find out stocks which are available at discounts and looking at margin of safety, we are humans too and so can do mistakes and that's why we have Strict Stop Loss (why stoploss of 8% - read Here) on our stock picks. Talking on Prices reminds me a short story told by my Uncle about an Investor who met God - 

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A man dealing with stocks met God - God asked him to make one wish - he said "GOD please give me the copy of news paper dated excatly after 2 years from now"!. God was suprised but still granted his wish and Gave him the NEWSPAPER which was dated 2 years from now...... 

The first thing that man did was opened up the business page & Saw the stocks prices and invested in those stocks immediately which could fetch him multi-millions after 2 years.... After few days of buying spree and as tended by the Human psychology, he felt let me see what would be the news around the world after two years from now and turning on the pages he landed on Obituary section - On Which his Name was the First !!  - So, what this tells us, that do live in present and dont worry what will be there in future, Just live your life at the fullest .. 

This is my last day for the challenge series and I hope you all must have enjoyed reading some of the offbeat post, it was bit difficult for me to going into the creative zone after a long long time, I dont know how it has turnout.. but will say I enjoyed this very much.. after a very long time I was thinking beyond markets ..hehehe :)
Anyways thanks friends for your amazing supports !!

Please do keep on ur support for me & pl do visit again and share the posts :)

Bhavikk shah

I have been tagged by my dear friend Shweta, to take part in Five Photos Five Stories Challenge (FPFS) which is - Post a picture for 5 consecutive days and attach a post to it, fiction,poem or short wrtie-up. It can be anything to suit your taste. Thanks Shweta for tagging me :) I am tagging my blogger friend Priyanka Artiste, She is a brilliant, passionate & talented photographer.. All the best Priyanka... I hope u all enjoyed the 5 day series :)


  1. That's a lovely message. :) What an idea to connect the pic with an awesome story!

    1. Hii thanks namrata
      I am regularly visiting ur blog and m glad to see that u are doing wonderfully
      great I liked it
      thanks for accepting the challenge
      wishing u a wonderful day ahead
      Keep smiling :)

  2. Blogger’s brilliant Efforts are really appreciable. Anyone can easily understand the thoughts. Also I like the conclusions made on this topic which is really very informative.
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  3. Wonderful Story with right message conveyed

    1. Hii Dipanwita maam
      m glad that u liked the story ..pls do read previous stories too
      wishing you a wonderful day ahead

  4. Another great story from this story we learnt humanity.
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  5. I too believe in living life full size...good story ��

    1. Thanks icecandy
      do visit again
      bhavikk shah

  6. This is a great story. Alas! For many of us greed never ends no matter how much we have.
    Congratulations for completing the challenge.

    1. Thanks Alok sir
      thanks for ur visit ..pls do visit again
      have a wonderful day ahead

  7. Nice post, I bookmark your blog because I found very good information on your blog, Thanks for sharing ...
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  8. The future two years from now can also change depending on the actions taken today. It's not fixed

  9. Live in the moment not the past nor the future, loved the story Bhavikk and wow you completed the challenge thats awesome, haji ek challenge karu lol :) it was wonderful truly to come and read your creative side...superb :)

  10. Wonderful story with form this story we learns humanity...... Superb.......

  11. Insightful story indeed ! And trust my bestie to bring out the best from everyone : D
    Bhavik its good to see the creative writer side of you :)
    wonderful !

  12. Another great story from this story we learnt humanity.
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  13. Great story teaches us to live in the present moment good effort shah g yes its true that more than 50% of our worries do not come to us at all abt which e kept worried

  14. We are all eagerly awaiting fr u to resume ur blog!! Plz throw sum light on d current mkt scenario & where it is headed!!!🙏
